Church of the Damned

Some progresson on gothic ‘church of the damned’ last night for Mordheim. Getting to the stage where I’m going to have to part assemble the other walls and belltower so it can be painted easily. Major work left is completing the belltower and building the back wall. Then it’s all painting and detailing from there. Must really place the ‘wyrdstone chunk’ in the floor before too much more work is done. Should probably also finish off the coach house as well since it’s 50% done. Then I’ll have sufficient Mordheim terrain for some time I hope.
Some minor VC progress. Assembled an additional skeleton to make a core unit of 16. A little more painting on the first four skeletons. Scrubbed down the two Fell Bats and extra Zombies for priming tonight. VC border patrol is 6% complete.

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