FOW Basing

Flames of War has been put away and I’m focusing on finishing the VC BP Grave Guard. Some light painting last night (after painting skirting boards for most of the evening!). Getting GG and GG standard bearer up to ink-wash stage. Have also stripped other two GG back as they were early experimental paint jobs.

Speaking of experiments first FOW basing experiment with just sand was a disaster. Will definitely need some compound to build up the base around the figures more before applying a mix of sand and model rail-way ballast for a range of fine grains. Maybe throw in a handful of kitty litter for one or two large boulders. Will have to strip back 2 man Boyes team but that’s not a biggie. Still experimenting with painting + basing for FOW after all. Vehicle painting think I’ll prime with GW white and then basic Desert Yellow Tamiya spray paint. Ink wash and drybrushing followed by details.

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