Broke out the GW inks and inked/based/drybrushed the Stuart ‘Honey’ – came out quite nicely. Also progressed the 25pdr gun + carriage and another Universal Carrier. GW inks aren’t effected by the Clear floor wax and give a nice ‘hard-coat’ to paint over. Just remembered I painted some of those new Cadians with the French ink so will have to go back and see if they’ve bled/faded. Picked up another can of Helmar’s Matt Spray varnish from good old Warehouse Stationary in Newmarket. They charge $12.99 for a can and I’ve seen up to $19 at Paper Plus!
Picked up a Canon Powershot S50 digital camera from a parallel importers in the weekend as well. $949 for the camera plus 2 x 128MB memory cards. Amused ourselves most of the weekend by taking AVI movies of our baby boy doing various things (hand clapping, talking, emptying the contents of kitchen drawers). Haven’t tried it for miniature photos yet.
Painting competition on at GW that closes on the 28th. My wife reckons I should enter a few pieces. I’m only really interested in entering if there’s prizes of any sort. But might hand in a few spare painted figures I’m currently not gaming with out of curiousity. Oops! 28th is today! Ah well, maybe I’ll enter the *next* painting competition they run then…