British Vehicle Markings

After posting on the Flames of War forum and doing a bit of searching I’ve learned that the New Zealanders basically only marked their AFVs and then they used the British vehicle marking system. Universal Carriers don’t appear to have been marked as AFVs. So marked up the Stuart ‘Honey’ and varnished it. Marked up the Humber MkII but needs a bit more detail work to finish. Also picked up a $3.95 dustpan from Plastic Box with a nice black nylon brush. Clipped a bunch of bristles and they make handy vehicle aerials when attached to FOW vehicles with a bit of green stuff and superglue.

Black+green ink washed the old Zombies I camo green based ages ago. They actually don’t look too bad. Will do some highlighting on their flesh this week sometime and see if that scheme with do for them.

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