Just ordered a small set of Linka molds. Specicfically B1, B2, B4 and R1. These are 1:76-1:72 scale which is pretty close to 15mm I believe. Be handy for Flames of War terrain and well as small brick details in other 28mm scenery. I’m also considering building a train station for my father-in-law as he collects Hornby Dublo trains. Hornby Dublo is OO (get it? Dubl-O!) scale or 1:76…which would be just right for Linka molds.
The US dollar is still tanking so might as well get in while the exchange rate is good! All up the order cost me $45US or around $62NZ. Of which most was generated by some TradeMe sales I made a while back. It seems I only spent $10NZ in November on modelling stuff. This will probably be the only purchase I make this month as well.