Finished my first base of FOW British/NZ Infantry last night. I think I’ve sorted out a decent ‘recipe’ for painting these Kiwis. Here it is in case I fail to complete this project and come back 2 years later wondering how the heck I’d painted half the army – which has happened in the past! All painted with Games Workshop colours.
- Selley’s Perma-fill mixed with sand and applied around glued down figures.
- Base and figures primed with GW’s Skull White spray.
- Bubonic Brown base coat.
- Bleached Bone drybrush.
- Skull White drybrush.
- Wash with 2:10 Wax/water dilute Flesh Wash (with a little India Ink to darken it)
- GW Scorched Brown base over primer.
- 50/50 Bestial Brown/Bronzed Flesh flesh tone.
- Desert Yellow helmet.
- Khaki uniform/gaiters
- Bleached bone pack and webbing (NZers used to scrub their webbing and it faded in the North African sun).
- Bronzed Flesh flesh highlighting.
- Chaos Black weapons.
- 50/50 Chaos Black/Chainmail drybrush on weapons.
- 50/50 Bleached Bone/Catachan Green for socks.
- Graveyard Earth rifle strap.
- 50/50 Bleached Bone/Desert Yellow highlight on helmet.