North African Table II

Flames of War North African Table Progress Having recently posted that I was going to spend the next two weeks finishing the Mordheim table, I have of course started working on the North African Flames of War table. Is ‘modellers ADHD’ a legitimate disorder?

Anyway, here’s the first four of six 600 x 600mm tiles in progress with a selection of partially cut and glued down hills. The white cigar shaped hill in the bottom left corner is a little experiment in texturing the high density foam with Selley’s Pollyfilla and Resene textured paint. The idea is to seal the foam so I can spray it with a light brown enamel matt paint as a base coat.

Mordheim sewer entrance To be fair I have made some minor progress on the Mordheim table as well, creating the first of two ‘sewer entrances’ that will be used to cap the canal tiles so they don’t have to go all the way across the table. Here it is primed with black matt enamel spray.

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