Erwin Neumayr has started selling foam gaming trays locally in New Zealand. I picked up a couple this weekend and they’re superb. The photo shows Erwin’s blue foam tray compared to a Games Workshop brown foam tray. Erwin’s are exactly the same dimensions with the same number of slots for figures and the blue foam is of a similar quality and density to GW’s trays.
The best thing about Erwin’s product however is the price! He’s selling foam trays directly on his website and on TradeMe for $10nz each. Considering a GW case will set you back $85nz for three trays and a thin plastic shell I feel Erwin’s product represents excellent value for money.
You can also contact him directly via email and I believe he’s willing to ship to Australia as well as locally in New Zealand.
Here’s another shot of the cases side by side. Erwin’s foam trays are also at least as deep as GW’s with a foam backing that is just as thick. I suspect I may have to order a couple more myself!