Vampire Counts Tower II

Vampire Counts Tower WIP Making some slow progress on the Vampire Counts Tower terrain piece. I’ve trimmed and patched all the Hirst Arts resin cast wrought iron fence pieces ready to go around the front doorway. They just need to be primed and drybrushed up to a nice finish then I’ll attach them and flock the base.

I’ve built about half of the top story as a basic structure and have started doing minor detailing. Like bricking off the single window with a Linka molds brick cast and filling the others with balsa planking.

It always surprises me how long it takes to scratch build stuff like this, but for me it still involves a lot of messing about because I don’t really have that concrete and idea of what I’m trying to achieve. I just build until I find something I’m happy with.

Vampire Counts Tower WIP The roof is also Hirst Arts and that gap in the larger section was originally going to be an attic gabled window, but is now likely to hold a ruined chimney built from the Hirst Arts ‘small bricks’ mold.

Once I’ve finished the other side of the building I’ll just start layering on balsa wood detail I think. Stuff like supporting struts under the floor, balsa siding and maybe the odd balcony or two. I’ve also got some of those small bay windows from the Mordheim plastic sprues left to use too.

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