Pulp 28mm Egyptian Obelisk WIP

Pulp 28mm Egyptian Obelisk My Egyptian Hirst Arts molds arrived late last week and I’ve been slowing casting up a bunch of pieces for ruined 28mm Pulp Egyptian terrain.

These molds are different because the pieces all have a sandblasted texture, which will be interesting to paint but does mean the pieces aren’t quite as rich in surface texturing as usual.

Initially I’m not building anything large as I still have the gothic Cathedral in bits to finish yet! I will probably throw together a handful of small terrain pieces like this one to use as cover for a .45 Adventure demo game of “Quest for La Calavera Negra de la Luna“.

Out of curiosity I slapped one of the 15mm Palms down next to the Egyptian obelisk for a scale test. I think it looks fine next to 28mm terrain and figures.

Pulp 28mm Egyptian Obelisk This is obviously another piece of ‘CD’ terrain and you can see from these WIP shots how heavily I’ve abused the disc surface before starting to lay down the terrain.

Since these shots I’ve also applied ground texture and gravel effect. I’ve also broken the obelisk apart and done a bit of sanding and re-gluing because after I took these photos I noticed it wasn’t actually straight.

The whole lot is sitting in the garage primed at the moment, so hopefully I might get it painted up this weekend.

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