Yes, I’m still working towards finishing my NZers Flames of War 1500pt army. Last week I painted up the final large Infantry base I hope to see in a while and this week I’ve been aiming to get the British Desert Rats support Tank platoon finished and varnished.
I stalled for a while on these tanks because unlike every other vehicle in my army they’re actually painted with a camoflague scheme. Now I know technically I should be using a dark green or grey over a pinker desert sand tone for these tanks, but I’ve used GW paints for the rest of the army, so these tanks end up with a mildly historically inaccurate paint job as well.
I was actually unsure how to paint the camo scheme but in the end just experimented with the turrets before applying the same scheme to the body. Consequentially all three turrets have already been finished while I’ve only completed this single tank so far.
It’s also the first tank I’ve bothered adding a hull mount MG too (aka a bit of 1mm plastic rod), simply because Aaron, one of my regular opponents has started doing this to his tanks and it looked good! Of course now I’m going to have to go back and retro-fit MG pins to my Honeys and Universal Carriers for uniformity.
I took these photos outside on a wintery afternoon and I like the flat blue tones that the digital camera has captured. It almost looks like the tank is just starting up on a crisp North African morning. It just needs a few crew standing next to it, so it’s a pity I haven’t painted any of them really!
Right, TWO more Sherman III’s to finish and I may have my whole NZ army (bar the bloody transports) painted and ready to go for the next regular gaming evening.