Review: Cities of Death II Manufactorum

Cities of Death Manufactorum Sprue Well I finally succumbed to the dread Games Workshop marketing engine and purchased a Cities of Death Manufactorum box. $45nz locally seems like a reasonable price, particularly since I get a 10% ‘VIP’ discount from my local games store.

The contents of the box aren’t that impressive, consisting of three large sprues: two of the Manufactorum sprues pictured here and one standard COD Floor Panel sprue which is shown in Aaron’s earlier post. My sprues were a little warped too and there’s a noticeable curve on serveral of the large, thick panels which is a little annoying. The pieces you get those seem fairly useful and I can see you could have a lot of fun mixing and matching a couple of boxes.

The real reason I bought this box was to experiment and I think I’ve figured out a way to combine the COD panels and Hirst Arts gothic blocks. So this Manufactorum box will probably be converted into one intact ‘substation’ block roughly 3″ x 4″ and 3 1/2″ high and one substation that’s been severly damaged in a corner. The roof will be flat with COD balustrades with a ladder up to it so figures can be placed on top.

Of course I’ve had to pilfer quite a few Hirst Arts blocks from the Cathedral casting piles so it’s back to casting plaster for me. I really *must* cut the base for that Cathedral and start building it!

Previous CoD post: Cities of Death.

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