28mm African Steamer

John Jenkins Design African Steamer This 28mm scale resin African Steamer from John Jenkins Designs appeared on Tabletop Gaming News recently. I have to say it’s a lovely sculpt and is actually based on era photos. Unfortunately at $68us (or $110nz, or 38GBP) it’s way out of my price league, particularly when you compare the Steamer with say a Forgeworld Imperial Guard Tank for the same price.

However given my past experiments (still not finished) with building boats from balsa I’m confident I could scratch up a steamer in a similar style. The only problematic part being the paddlewheels and housing. So that’s one to add to the ‘inspiration’ list I guess!

John Jenkins Design do also sell a cheaper, smaller Steam Launch which I am tempted to pick up, depending mainly on shipping costs to New Zealand!

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