50c Gliders for Fun

50c Gliders I dropped into ModelAir in Newmarket this weekend to pick up some paint with my three year old son in tow. It is a little cruel taking him into shop packed with ‘toys’ and only spending $50 for myself so some bribery was required! Usually he goes for the Matchbox cars but this time I managed to convince him that 50c gliders were a better option.

I’d forgotten how much fun these cheapo gliders-dressed-as-fighters are and we spent over an hour throwing them around the front garden yesterday. Modern gliders are full colour printed foam card too which is a cut above the older single colour balsa gliders we had as kids. Youth of today eh? Spoiled I say!

I also noticed ModelAir had the next two issues of Model Military International on their counter, so I grabbed Issue #5. They’re presumably air shipped in as they were $2nz more than the normal $13.70nz I pay. I was briefly tempted by the 1:48th Tamiya kits they had on display, but I think Acorn Models might be a touch cheaper for the same kits.

Finally I had a quick discussion about the Battlefront resin 1:144th aircraft models as the gentleman behind the counter does some pre-packaging clean up work for Battlefront, and had a set of ‘first cast’ resins of the planes. I must say the models were a lot more detailed than I expected. I think the paint jobs on the Flames of War site don’t actually do them that much justice. Might have to pick up a flight of Stukas at some point for that desert airfield I’ve been building for over a year now…

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