Right, this is the last miniature purchase for the year. In 2007 I plan to focus on actually getting some of my large collection of minis and models painted.
Anyway, there’s a lot of good 1:56th miniature vehicles suitable for 28mm gaming available these days from independents like Army Group North, Bolt Action Miniatures, Brigade Games and Chieftain Models. So it’s taken me a while to decide on some suitable Pulp German armor to add to my collection.
I’ve finally ordered a couple of these Bolt Action Miniatures 1:56th SdKfz 222 scout armored cars. Hopefully they’ll look great in convoy with my EBob Miniatures Opel Blitzes. Since the 222 is a light armored car, they shouldn’t be too terrifying for pulp heroes to face on the tabletop either. Certainly less so than the 1:48th Tamiya Panzer I’ve been considering!