Here’s a corner building constructed from two casts of my 1930’s building facade. I’ve painted it in creme interior housepaint, Kiwi shoe polish (for an aging effect) and a couple of Citadel colours – Snot Green for the roof and awning and Fortress Grey for the pavement. The walls were painted using exactly the same technique I employed for my older 40k CD terrain piece.
This is a bit of a poor photo of the building, hastily snapped under interior sodium lighting, my apologies for the slightly odd angle too. I’ll be taking better shots once I’ve finished up the final detailing. All I have left to do is construct a couple of panelled doors from plasticard and a couple of shop windows from blister plastic, which I’ll be attempting to decorate with some painted or drawn pin striping and suitable signage.
To be honest I’m getting a little tired of working on this particular piece of terrain, which for me is typically a good sign it’s about time to wrap it up! I hope to finish it this week and then borrow some friend’s Flames of War figures for some scale shots.