I’ve painted the two Crescent Root Middle Eastern tower buildings I received late last month. They’ve been painted using the same quick dry brushing scheme that I applied to all my other Crescent Root buildings, both in 28mm and 15mm scale.
This involves basing them with Resene “Sandcastle” acrylic interior house paint and painting the exposed brick work with Resene “Root Beer”. Once that coat is completely dry I wash it with a mix of 50/50 water and Klear floor wax added to Kiwi Liquid Shoe Polish darkened with a little indian ink.
This is a cheap chestnut wash I use on a lot of my terrain. It has a similar effect to using a more expensive ink wash, plus has the added bonus of resulting in quite a hard finish once dry, with a manly shoe leather scent. I admit I was a little concerned about how colour fast this concoction would be, but the first buildings I painted with it over a year ago are fine, so I continue to use it.
Once the wash is dry, which can take a while, the buildings are then drybrushed with Sandcastle again, and finished with a light drybrush of Resene “Pearl Lusta”, aka White on the edges and corners and then varnished.
I now have ten painted 28mm Crescent Root Studios buildings and need to finish and paint one more medium piece to complete all the terrain I need for the next Pulp campaign. I have to admit I’m getting a little tired of the 28mm scale again and once we’ve played the campaign will probably switch back to 15mm for a while. I’m itching to get some paint on those Carthaginians!