As I mentioned in my last 28mm Crate post I molded and cast three distinct crate stacks once I discovered how onerous painting single crates was!
It’s taken almost a fortnight, but here are the crate stacks painted and varnished. I’ve arranged them around an Artizan Designs DAK German soldier for scale. They’re cast in Ultracal 30 which is a surface hard blend of plaster and Portland cement I use for most of my terrain.
These crate stacks will make life easier because it only takes a few casts to create enough to fill a warehouse or cover a dock side with them. I’ve actually cast four sets of each that seems enough for my gaming purposes. Throwing a few single crates around nicely conceals the repeated stacks too.
Here they are separated so you can see the three individual styles. The right angle stack is designed to quickly make walls and barricades with the other straight crate stacks. I’ve now got to cast up several extra sets and think of a suitable price before posting them up in the store.