Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone Mold

Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone Mold Hirst Arts have just added a new mold to their Fieldstone line! It’s a nifty set of ruined Fieldstone pieces that actually fit together to create whole pieces as well. I know a lot of Fieldstone mold owners have resorted to creating and molding their own ruined pieces but it’s nice to finally have a mold created by the master.

It’s a good mold too with a mix of broken bricks, floor tiles and a couple of ruined arches. It also adds some new Fieldstone columns which will be useful for a lot of people. It definitely goes straight to the top of my Hirst Arts ‘wish list’. In fact I wish it had been available when I started building my Fieldstone Mordheim table because it would have made my life a lot easier!

No doubt it’ll be a good seller for Mr Hirst too because I’ll wager anybody that owns even a couple of Fieldstone molds will find it an attractive purchase.

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