Scenario: Luggage, Lost

I’m working on my second scenario for Pulp .45 Adventure: “Luggage, Lost” which is intended to be the opening scenario in my second short Pulp campaign. After several evenings battling with my open source publishing tools the first version of the scenario is available as a downloadable PDF.

The players arrive in Cairo in the morning by train, only to have their luggage stolen! They’ve got to recover it from the scattering thieves while attempting to avoid starting a riot in the dusty streets of this ancient city.

Beware! This scenario hasn’t been play-tested by anybody yet, but does incorporate some ideas the players discussed after my last Pulp .45 campaign. I suspect once we’ve played it I’ll tweak it a bit as I may have been a little mean spirited (as is my nature) while writing the scenario.

If you do bother downloading and reading the scenario, I’d love to hear any thoughts or constructive criticism you have. Also if you’re interested in translating it into other languages (as my first scenario was) that’s fine, provided you leave the author copyright and web-site credits on the first page!

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