28mm Pulp Luggage Resin Cast

28mm Pulp Luggage After researching the cost of setting myself up for white metal casting, I resolved to go with simple resin casting instead for my Pulp luggage. I molded and cast a few rounds of luggage this weekend and I think they turned out fairly well!

Here’s the first unpainted casts placed next to the same Copplestone Castings Pulp figure. I’ve darkened the photo a little to try and show up the detail on the creme resin. There are some air bubbles here and there as you can see but no major defects, so I’ll simply do some patching with a tiny amount of green stuff prior to painting. To be honest I’m relieved to see these pieces are perfectly castable in a one-sided mold even with the moderate undercuts on some of them.

Last week I added a carpet bag to the collection, which also looks a lot like a leather doctor’s bag, so it could be used either way depending on the paint job. It has turned out very well and is probably my favourite in the set. I had a scrap of mixed green stuff left so also threw together a simple ‘brown paper package, tied up with string’ to fill a space in the mold, which is resting on top of the hat-box in the photo.

28mm Pulp Luggage Closeup Here’s the individual casts laid out in a row. I’d also like to create a large steamer trunk and possibly another variation on the suitcase (without straps) but the initial focus was on getting these molded, cast and painted up as quickly as possible. That’s because I desperately want to use them for my second Pulp campaign, which I hope to be kicking off in a fortnight with the Luggage, Lost scenario.

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