It’s been a little quiet around here lately, mainly because I appear to be suffering another bout of ‘modeling malaise’ so really haven’t felt that inspired to paint, despite the fact this is the last month of the three month challenge! I have made something for my DAK force recently. This custom Zeltbahn Objective – although of course it’s unpainted.
This little diorama that is intended to show a couple of unfortunate motorbike pioneers that have found themselves behind enemy lines – Flames of War objectives are typically placed on the enemy side of the table.
It’s assembled from a mix of ‘bitz box’ pieces. The BMW + sidecar are from Battlefront, although I’ve sculpted a couple of cushions in the sidecar as this space is usually filed with a passenger. The figures are Peter Pig Germans in ‘relaxed’ poses, drinking from enamel mugs. One of them carries the MG34 for the sidecar. The open Zeltbahn tent is a two part resin cast of my original sculpts. The open side is held up by 1mm plastic rod. I intend to put these three Zeltbahn up for sale soon at $6us a pack of the three variants I’ve mentioned earlier.
Painting the objective will be interesting as Zeltbahn were printed in a disruptive and splinter camo which will probably be hard to replicate in 15mm! I’ll most likely just try and get a good faded look to the tent as this objective will be used for my DAK force.
Comments welcome as always, particularly if you’ve got any suggestions for getting over a modeling slump…