Fallout 3 on the PC from Bethesda is the sole reason there’s been no blog updates here recently. It’s been years since I’ve played a game so damned enjoyable and downright addictive. I highly recommend it. It’s based on the Oblivion engine, which I played only briefly, finding it to be rather dull fantasy fare. The Fallout 3 post apocalyptic setting, 50’s swing band soundtrack and the addition of lots of awesome firepower makes for a game that’s streets ahead of Oblivion in my humble opinion.
However after playing at least 6-8 hours a week for the last couple of weeks I’ve maxed out my character and am plan to finish the main story line before Xmas. So hopefully normal programming will resume in the New Year. I’ve certainly got a slew of hobby projects backed up that I really want to knock off – mainly because some require almost minimal effort to complete.