Tramp Steamer Portholes – Pulp

Pulp Tramp Steamer Ship Doors and Portholes Here’s a side shot of the super structure of my Pulp Tramp Steamer with resin cast ship doors and portholes applied. The two part resin has been sitting in my garage so long I’m lucky it still sets. I noticed while casting it started setting seconds after I mixed it, but then took considerably longer than it used to before it reaches a full hardness. Again the lesson here is don’t leave your casting supplies on the shelf for years, use them up as soon as possible!

The portholes were mastered from a 1mm ceramic tap washer with a set of green stuff rivets applied using the end of a mechanical pencil. I have to thank Dustan for telling me how easy this technique is for 28mm scale rivets. I found it so useful I’ve converted the mechanical pencil tip into a permanent riveting tool by epoxying it to a bamboo shaft. Now I have a useful porthole I’m wondering what else I can use it for? Maybe for detailing the bollards if I ever get around to building a suitable dockside for the Tramp Steamer.

I need to apply a little more detail to the ship before I start painting it. I’d like a deck winch of some kind at the bow, a set of anchors and I’ll also need to bend some wire to make a set of radio antenna on the roof of the bridge. That’ll probably do I think as the ship is primarily intended as a gaming surface, not a scale model of a real ship of any kind.

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