The Mobile Frame Zero Kickstarter project has been officially funded and there’s a ground swell of support coming from both Lego and war gaming fans around the world. The Flickr group is really jumping with some fantastic Lego ‘frame’ designs too. According to the latest update backers might be part of a community review of the rule-set which means hopefully we’ll see an early release of the rules!
Mobile Frame Zero was at Pax East too, and attendees there apparently enjoyed the game system as it was easy to pick up, but tactically deep enough for hard core war gamers. There’s also a strategic element in terms of the size and composition of your team of frames. As the MFZ authors secured plenty of funding (916% of what they were asking) we may also see some expansions to the MFZ rule set as well, possibly in the form of a larger scale space battles rule set. That’d be great because it’ll allow even more Lego building options.
I’m furiously building Lego creations for a Mobile Frame Zero table (the images are my two latest builds) and spending far too much money on Bricklink buying exotic bricks, both for Frames as well as sundry terrain pieces like vehicles, barriers and all plant life. I’m trying to put together two teams of 4-5 Frames each which means I can play Mobile Frame Zero with my eight year old son, as well as my small group of gaming buddies. I’ve also been getting no figure painting done either, I’ve just been playing with building all sorts of robots and terrain from Lego. Frankly it’s great fun and the fact Lego gives you instant, colourful and attractive game pieces means I’m looking forward to trying the rule set out.