Mobile Frame Zero Atmospheric Fighter

Mobile Frame Zero Atmospheric Fighter I built this Mobile Frame Zero scale ‘atmospheric fighter’ a while back as another terrain piece for the ‘landing field’ table I’m putting together. It has been kicking around in our Lego collection since then, and has come close to being broken up several times so I thought it was time to capture the ship and a MLCad plan.

Mobile Frame Zero Atmospheric Fighter I’ve also bought a new laptop recently and was keen to see how MLCad performed on it, so I spent a couple of afternoons working in MLCad this long weekend. I think it’s also worth capturing any models you build as plans like this because the Mobile Frame Zero game includes rules for incoming fire damaging terrain, so players will basically rip apart your nice terrain during play! Click on the image to the right for the ‘.ldr’ file that you can load into MLCad. I haven’t quite mastered the art of producing ‘build plans’ from MLCad yet, but the model is broken down into small groups internally that will hopefully lead to a logical build if you want to replicate it.

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