After I created a set of ruined 28mm furniture for This is Not a Test, I had grand plans to sculpt a bunch more common, 1950’s household items. First up was a Kelvinator style fridge which I’ve finally got around to completing and casting in resin.
Here’s two of the painted pieces in a scene for scale. They turned out quite nicely, and are constructed of three layers sandwiched together. A back layer for the coils, the main body and a separate door. As I’m garage casting I use one sided molds for everything, just because it is the quick and dirtiest way to mold anything reliably at small scales.
The fridges all have a back too which turned out reasonably well considering it was a little fiddly to sculpt. The radiator tubing at the back was mastered from a bit of 1mm garden wire that I spent far too long carefully trying to bend into fairly regular pattern. Next up I plan to try mastering a 50’s style big-box TV set.