Sci-Fi Tank Released

I’ve released the 28mm Sci-Fi Tank kit on the following resellers:

DriveThruRPG / Wargames Vault

This vehicle was designed over three months on my Patreon, with feedback and suggestions from Patreons on our Discord server as well. It comes with a ton of options including:

– Two options for turrets, allowing an RWCS/CROWS system or a crew-served gun.
– Three bow weapons, and nine main guns for the turret.
– Multiple hatch options, including a commander and loader hatch that can be positioned open or closed.
– Multiple options for the driver, engine, and exhaust details of the vehicle that can be mixed and matched for different looks.
– Movable turret and gun that elevates up to 25 degrees.
– Storage compartments and resin tools that can be glued to the vehicle sides.

Build instructions and photos are included. This kit also combines with our ARV and LAV Kit for more options as well.

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