Nipped into GW at lunchtime. Picked up loose Goblin head and body sprues (enough for 5 Goblins) and Town Cryer 20 + 21. Put two Goblins together and based them for Mordheim Squig wranglers. Stripped the spare Squig and based it- it needs to be re-painted to field in Mordheim – thinking of trying an ‘albino’ (yellow base to white highlights, red eyes) scheme. Pinned the arms on the last Mordheim Orc. Gave another MH Orc a bow – cut from a Goblin arm. Entire MH Orc warband is ready to go – need to be painted.
Author: tabletop
Mordheim House #2
Finished Mordheim house #2.
Imperial Guard Catachans
Finished Imperial Guard Catachan – only 2 more to go to finish that damned squad!
Built town fountain base, painted Mordhiem Troll skin – detailing to go.
Lost Prince
Bit of painting of Lost Prince.
Mordheim Tower
More casting for Mordheim tower, added parapet. Started converting 3 WFB Flaggelants into 40k Imperial Preachers.
Pit Molding
Pit molded Mordheim gargoyles using RTV and an ice cube tray – worked quite nicely – stopping plaster is ok for casting. Cast numerous corner stones for ruined tower. Put together beginnings of stone tower. Finished both MH Orc Sguigs.